Mangold Investment Banking

Mentor NGM

For those already listed or considering a listing on the NGM Nordic SME, Mangold offers the Mentor service.

Mangold Mentor

NGM Nordic SME is for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in rapid growth that want to take the next step through a listing. Companies wishing to be listed on NGM Nordic SME are required by the marketplace to engage an approved Mentor in the process. The role of a Mentor involves guiding and supporting the company in the listing process, as well as, post-listing, continuously advising and ensuring that the company complies with applicable laws and regulations for listed companies. Mangold Mentor strives for close and proactive collaboration to help your company achieve its ambitious goals.

Get help from a Mentor

Contact us if you are considering listing a company on NGM Nordic SME and need a Mentor.

A listing on Nordic SME strengthens your brand

A listing on NGM Nordic SME strengthens the company’s brand and increases both public interest and knowledge of the company. A listing and the requirements for, among other things, disclosure of information also contribute to increased credibility for the company.

Read more about NGM Nordic SME here

Mangold´s Mentor Companies

Mangold Fondkommission is Mentor for the following companies that are traded on NGM Nordic SME

Lumito AB
Wonderboo Holding AB

Contact us for a Mentor

If you want to know more about how a Mentor can help you, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Do you want to be contacted by us?

The goal of a Mentor NGM is to make a difference. Fill out the form and send, and we will contact you!
