Chair of the Board
Elected: 2003
Born: 1960
Education: MSc in Business Administration
Work experience: Per Åhlgren co-founded Mangold in 2000, and has been Chair of the Board since 2003. Åhlgren previously worked for 10 years in London for Salomon Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Deutsche Bank. He is currently active in the wholly-owned investment company GoMobile NU AB, and also holds assignments as Chair of the Board of Vestum AB and board member of Bong AB.
Number of shares: 134 285 (incl. companies)
Written call options: 2 125
Independent in relation to Mangold and its management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: No
Board member
Elected: 2019
Born: 1971
Education: MSc in Economics, University of Cologne
Current assignments: Board member of Savelend Credit Group AB (publ) and Panthera AB, and deputy board member for Endspurt AB.
Work experience: Birgit Köster Hoffmann became a member of the Board of Directors in 2019. She has worked in the financial industry since the 1990s, and most recently came from the role of CEO of Volkswagen Finans. During her time within the Volkswagen Group, she has held several senior positions, including as a board member in several of Scania’s finance companies in and outside Sweden. She is also a board member of Savelend Credit Group AB (publ.) and Panthera AB, and a deputy board member for Endspurt AB.
Number of shares: 600
Independent in relation to Mangold and its management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Board member
Elected: 2022
Born: 1979
Education: Law degree and BSc from Stockholm’s University
Work experience: Helena Holm was previously a partner at Next Advokater, but is now running her own law firm specializing in regulatory matters within the financial industry.
Number of shares: 0
Written call options: 25
Independent in relation to Mangold and its management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Board member
Elected: 2022
Born: 1971
Education: Master’s degree in business administration from Linköping University
Work experience: Petra Holmberg is employed as Chief Risk Officer at Euro Accident Livförsäkring AB with a focus on the development of risk frameworks within corporate governance, and is responsible for the risk management function.
Number of shares: 0
Written call options: 25
Independent in relation to Mangold and its management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes