Mangold integritetspolicy och Cookies

Privacy policy and cookies

Necessary cookies

These refers to cookies that our site needs in order to work properly. This means that they are needed for basic functions, such as saving settings that the user makes relating to cookies.


We use this type of cookies to gather data that can help us understand how our site is used. In this way, we can improve the user experience and offer content that is perceived as relevant. Google Analytics is used to track website activities, such as session time, pages per session, bounce rate, etc. of users who use By saving statistics, we can also identify pages with poorer results than others, and in that way change the content to increase the result for the better. We can find out where visitors came from, how long they stayed on the site, their geographical location, and what they use for browser or device (mobile, tablet, computer). We do not save personal data that can link a certain activity to a physical person, but only how the visitor uses


With these cookies, you get a personalised user experience and better functionality. Some of our services on the site need these cookies in order to work. For example, the form function in the Newsroom area needs the NID cookie to work, as forms require the reCAPTHCA function, which only works with the NID cookie active.


This type of cookie is used for advertising and targeted marketing in various channels. With their help, we can understand visitors’ interests and, in that way, provide a personalised and more relevant experience. Based on your behaviour and the pages you visit on our site, you can then see advertisements tailored to you, on sites that belong to third parties.